The evolution fresh strategy, while still unproven, could be more of an immediate-term positive given the limited capital investment required to get the product into the stores. 鉴于把产品引入店内所需的资本投资相对有限,EvolutionFresh战略虽然还没有获得验证,但很可能是个利好消息,短期内就会显现出积极的效果。
A positive balance in a capital account or any other account for a person shall not bear interest; affect the allocation of income, gain, receipt, loss, deduction or credit to a person; or entitle a person to any distributions or other economic benefits. 个人资本账户或者任何其他账户的顺差不产生利息也不影响对其收入、收益、收据、损失、扣除或信贷的配置,也不给予其任何分配或者其他经济利益的资格。
Product concentration and size have significant positive effects on capital utilization, premium growth and leverage have significant negative effect on capital utilization. 业务集中度、公司规模对资本投入程度的影响显著为正。
Zhao also told the paper that migrants in Beijing have long played a positive role in the capital's development. 赵也告诉该报纸,北京的外地人口为首都的发展长期发挥着积极的作用。
Only by improving the system arrangement of institutional investors, can they exert more positive action on capital market and improve the efficiency of resource of allocation in capital market. 只有改进机构投资者的制度安排,才能使其在资本市场发挥更多的积极作用,提高资本市场资源配置的效率。
Negative social capital is one of the important reasons of public crisis, and positive social capital play an important role in various stages of the public crisis collaborative governance. 恶性社会资本是公共危机产生的重要原因之一,而良性社会资本在公共危机协同治理的各个阶段中发挥着重要的作用。
Establishing the Positive Capital Cycle Mechanism for New Socialist Countryside 建立与社会主义新农村相适应的资金良性循环机制
At present, international capital flow is a critical exterior factor that promotes finance transformation, the means of the government limiting the international capital flow should be appropriate so as to exert the positive role of capital flow in developing finance, particularly in the financial transformation. 当前,国际资本流动是促进金融转型的关键外部因素,政府限制国际资本流动的手段要适当,以充分发挥资本流动对转型国家金融发展尤其是金融转型的积极作用。
While stock repurchase also has the following important positive functions: capital structure optimization, minor shareholders rights protection, the price of undervalued stocks boost and modern incentive system promotion. 但股份回购同时也有其重要功能,如在优化资本结构、保护少数股东利益、股市低迷时的救市和推进现代激励机制方面都具有现实意义。
Economic capital refers to the situation that total assets held is larger than the market value of total liabilities in or-der to guarantee a positive capital surplus in a prescribed credit range and time frame. 经济资本是指在规定的置信度和时间范围内,所持有的资产数量要大于负债市值,以保证资产盈余大于零。
High competition and flexible institutions bring rapid innovation and have a positive impact on human capital accumulation. 较高的产品市场竞争和灵活的劳动力市场更有利于产品创新和人力资本积累。
In our country, the positive studies on foreign capital merging listed company are not enough systemic; 在我国,对上市公司外资并购这一现象缺乏深入系统的实证研究;
In the internal documents, many scholars have discussed the positive relation between human capital and economic growth. 在国内的文献中,论述人力资本对经济增长贡献的文章已经很多,而考虑人力资本分布情况与经济增长关系的文章却很鲜见。
Under the condition of perfect capital mobility, the result of positive relationship between capital flows and the real exchange rate can be gotten. 在假定资本是完全流动的情况下,得出了实际汇率与资本流动成正比的结论。
This paper surveys the positive effects of capital accounts liberalization, with a focus on economic growth and welfare improvement. 本文选择考察了资本账户自由化的积极方面,主要是它对收入增长和福利改善的促进作用。
Positive Significance of Capital Concentration for Listed Automotive Corporations 浅谈汽车上市公司资本运营的积极意义
In practice, exit mechanism must be optimized so as to promote the positive development of venture capital. 在实践中,可以通过完善退出机制来推动创业投资的良性发展。
Furthermore, the paper brings forward some suggestions to foster positive social capital, restrain negative social capital, and improve village governance. 在此基础上,本文进一步提出了如何培育积极社会资本、抑制消极社会资本,进而改善村级治理的若干对策性建议。
The Positive Analysis of Capital Repatriation in China 中国资本外逃的实证分析
The positive significance of social capital to economic development is built on social coordination. 社会资本对经济发展的积极意义是建立在社会协同基础之上的。
Positive Study on Capital Structure of Petroleum Industry 石油行业资本结构实证研究
Thirdly, analyzing the positive role to Chinese capital market and enterprise, and pointing out the existing problems. 再次,整体上市是相对于分拆上市而言的,在指出分拆上市的弊端的同时,分析了整体上市对我国资本市场和企业的积极作用,并指出整体上市目前存在的一些问题。
Many empirical studies have confirmed the positive correlation between working capital managerial efficiency and performance. 国内外已有不少实证研究证实营运资金管理效率与企业绩效之间存在正相关关系。
Main research conclusions are as follows: ( 1) Tax incentives have significant positive effect on capital and labor input of corporate innovation activities. 主要研究结论如下:(1)税收激励政策对企业创新活动的资金投入与人力投入有显著的正向效应。
In order to better play the positive role of capital controls to overcome the financial crisis, it is necessary to provide legitimacy for capital controls in the international investment treaties Capital controls can be applied to both direct investment and indirect investment. 为了更好的发挥资本管制在应对金融危机时的积极作用,我们有必要在国际投资条约中为资本管制提供正当性。
In order to improve the cash dividend policy, this paper puts forward some advices to make the cash dividend policy play positive effect in capital market. 为了促使现金股利政策的规范化,以便发挥现金股利政策在资本市场的积极影响作用。本文提出了若干方面的建议。
This also constitutes its main strategy to promote financial integration, namely the positive development of capital markets, promote the integration of banking markets. 这也构成了其推进金融一体化主要策略,即积极发展资本市场,推进银行市场的一体化。
Dominated by the government of the city culture capital market to create a cultural capital city provides a platform, in addition, the positive city culture capital policies for urban cultural capital also create provide conditions. 政府主导下的城市文化资本市场为创造城市文化资本提供了平台,除此以外,积极的城市文化资本政策也为创造城市文化资本提供了条件。
The results found: ( 1) Middle school students 'positive psychological capital scores are higher. 结果发现:(1)中学生的积极心理资本总分整体水平较高。